Last updated: 24-08-2021

Your privacy is of great importance to Pronomar.

We therefore comply with the privacy law. This means that your data is safe with us and we only use data for the purpose for which we have requested it from you. In this privacy statement we explain what we do with the personally identifiable information which is collected from you through our website.

1. Data that we collect

 1.1 Using our contact form

With the contact form you can ask us questions or send us requests. For this, we ask you for your telephone number, e-mail address, name and address details. We do this on the basis of your consent. We keep this information until we are sure that you are satisfied with our response.

1.2 Requesting a quote

With the request a quote form you can ask us to send a quotation for a (selection of) product(s). For this, we ask you for your telephone number, e-mail address, name and address details. We do this on the basis of your consent. If the request for quotation leads to a collaboration or to a request for further contact, these data will be kept until they are no longer needed or until the assignment has been terminated and a follow-up contact or order can no longer be expected.

 1.3 Signing up to our newsletter

When subscribing to our newsletter, your email will be stored in a database which we use for sending newsletters. We do this on the basis of your consent. You can unsubscribe from this subscription at any moment (by clicking ‘unsubscribe’ when receiving the newsletter or by sending us an email).

2. Security of your data

We ensure that your data is properly secured with us, given the fact that all personal data is sent via a safe connection and is reliably stored on our servers. The secure connection (https) can be recognized by the lock at the top left of your web page. In this way, your data is encrypted when filling in our contact form or when requesting a quote. We always adapt security measures to the latest insights and pay attention to what can go wrong.

3. Sharing your data

The information that we receive through the contact form or the quote request form can be shared internally. If you sign up to our newsletters, your email address will be used in a database of MailerLite. We will not share your personally identifiable information with any other third party outside of our organization or to any other third country, unless we are required to do so by law.

4. Your rights

If you have questions or want to know what personal information we have about you, you can always contact us (see paragraph 6). You have the following rights:

  • being informed on which personal data we have and what we are using it for;
  • inspection of the personal data that we keep from you;
  • having incorrect data corrected;
  • request to delete outdated personal data;
  • revoke your consent;
  • object to certain uses.

Please make sure that you always clearly state who you are, so that we can be sure that we do not modify or delete data from the wrong person. We might ask you to identify yourself.

5. Changes to our privacy statement

We reserve the right to modify this statement. We recommend to always pay attention to the date stated on the top of this page and consult this statement on a regular basis. We will do our best to announce any changes.

6. Contact us

If you feel that we are not helping you in the right way, you have the right to file a complaint with us.

Please contact us by means of the following information:

  • Telephone: +31 (0) 78 68 19 481
  • Email:
  • Address: Noordeinde 88C, 3341LW Hendrik Ido Ambacht, The Netherlands