

What we do

At Pronomar, we’re all about delivering quality products and services to a wide range of industries. For example, whether you’re in manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality, or any other sector, we’ve got solutions to meet your unique needs. Similarly, our innovative drying systems, and water treatment solutions are designed to enhance efficiency and sustainability across the board.

Pronomar's solution for all sorts of industries

Pronomar takes pride in offering a versatile range of drying systems tailored to meet the unique needs of diverse industries. For example, the selection of our drying systems depends on factors such as required drying time, on-site conditions, garment materials, and their degree of humidity. Here are some illustrative examples:

For companies with employees commuting on bicycles and dealing with sweaty or rain-soaked workwear, Pronomar’s drying systems provide a hassle-free solution. Therefore, by using our drying systems, these employees can bid farewell to work with dry cycling gear, enhancing comfort and well-being.

Likewise, cemeteries looking to support their outdoor workers during wet or humid weather turn to Pronomar for solutions. Consequently, our drying systems ensure that employees working outside are provided with dry workwear, promoting a more comfortable and productive working environment.

In addition, in testing laboratories, where hygiene is crucial, Pronomar’s drying systems play an important role. Consequently, workwear can be efficiently dried after washing and disinfection, maintaining a clean and sterile laboratory environment.

These examples underscore Pronomar’s commitment to diversifying its products across a broad spectrum of industries. By understanding the unique challenges faced by each sector, Pronomar continues to provide effective, tailored solutions that contribute to enhanced comfort, productivity, and overall well-being.

Working in a different industry?

Nevertheless, if you don’t see your industry on our list? No worries! We love a good challenge. In other words, get in touch with us, and let’s chat about how Pronomar can tailor our offerings to suit your specific requirements. We’re here to bring our expertise to every corner of the business world.

Our clients

We proudly work for these companies

Picture of Dvandervalk logo, client of pronomar
Picture of Basic-fit logo, client of pronomar
Picture of StayOkay logo
Picture of DIA logo
Picture of ela[container] logo
Picture of Mora logo
Picture of Dvandervalk logo, client of pronomar
Picture of Basic-fit logo, client of pronomar
Picture of StayOkay logo
Picture of DIA logo
Picture of ela[container] logo
Picture of Mora logo
Picture of Dvandervalk logo, client of pronomar
Picture of Basic-fit logo, client of pronomar
Picture of StayOkay logo
Picture of DIA logo
Picture of ela[container] logo
Picture of Mora logo
Picture of Dvandervalk logo, client of pronomar
Picture of Basic-fit logo, client of pronomar
Picture of StayOkay logo
Picture of DIA logo
Picture of ela[container] logo
Picture of Mora logo

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