Because we at Pronomar work hard every day to offer the best service possible we like to compare ourselves to sports clubs, where each and every player also wants to give his or her best in every match and every day.

It was therefore a logical step for us to venture into a new area, namely that of sponsorship. We decided to stay close to our roots and support two of our local sports clubs, the tennis club Hiaten as well as the netball club DVS’69 – both excellent local teams here in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht. It was agreed that a sponsorship board or canvas was going to be put up at each sports premise – at Hiaten this was already done and we hope DVS’69 will soon follow. The sponsorship boards will be stressing our intention of supporting our local sports while at the same time presenting our self in a rather informal way.

We are happy about this opportunity and to see sports and industry united – we dare say it’s a match made, well, maybe not in heaven, but certainly in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht!